Our party of eight hiked up together, with baskets of flowers and fruit. We found ourselves alone at the peak, with clear views of Mount Monadnock, close to the couple's home in Keene. An eagle soared above our intimate circle.

Daniel, Ich entscheide mich, an Deiner Seite zu sein und ich verspreche Dir, an deiner Seite zu bleiben. Ich werde immer die Schönheit unseres Zusammenseins lieben. Mein Leben ist reicher weil ich es mit Dir teile. Ich liebe Dich.Anne, I choose to be by your side and promise to remain by your side. I will always love the beauty of our simply being together. My life is richer because I share it with you. I love you.
After the ceremony, Daniel and Anne surprised us with a picnic basket full of champagne and other goodies they had hiked up early that morning and hidden in the woods with a note: "Please do not take this, it's for our wedding." After I had two slices of Daniel's mom's divine cheesecake, I left the family sprawled in the sun on picnic blanket and headed down the mountain home to my own sweet family, feeling full of love and laughter.